AEMT Awards

Celebrating the very best of the rotating electrical machines industry. It is both a major social and networking event that should not be missed.



18:00 - Finalist Photography

18:30 - Drinks Reception

19:15 - Welcome & Introduction

19:30 - Dinner Served

21:30 - Awards Ceremony hosted by Andrea Byrne

22:30 - Charity Higher or Lower game in aid of the British Red Cross

22:45 - Entertainment & Networking

01:00 - Ends

Dress Code:

Black Tie

Dress code



Codes of Practice 2025


The AEMT Codes of Pracice are being replaced with our provisional codes of practice at the end of 2025. Members will be asked to demonstrate compliance with these codes by 2027. The Secretariat and Council are preparing for this transition, ensuring members have the support, resources and tools needed to comply.

Find out more