Peer Groups

Peer-to-peer groups are extremely effective ways of helping people and organisations develop. They allow open and frank conversations with peers in a confidential environment – conversations that normally can’t be held inside a business or with partners at home.

Members have said how they can help enormously with the loneliness that leadership can bring, and comradery is a term that is often used. They encourage members to develop friendships with other members, who act as critical friends both when things are going well, and when times are hard. It is also an opportunity to give back to the business community by helping others with issues that you might have dealt with.

Peer groups aim to:

  • Assist in building trusting relationships with peers.
  • Act as a sounding board
  • Clarify direction & focus
  • Provide personal coaching & support
  • Challenge comfort zones
  • Encourage action
  • Give hands-on support
  • Celebrate and share successes
  • Improve experience

Typical activities can include:

  • An opportunity to highlight what is working well and what is not working well (both in your business and personal life).
  • An opportunity to visit other members and experience first-hand what is working well and what is not to help them to develop their own businesses.
  • An opportunity to feed-back to hosts to identify what is working successfully and what could be improved.
  • A workshop on a particular area run by one of the members highlighting an area of best practice and what they learnt from implementation.
  • A workshop run by the facilitator (covering anything from best practice for exiting/selling a business, leadership skills, performance management techniques etc.).
  • Problem solving where members highlight an issue, an area they wish to discuss, or a goal they are trying to achieve, and the other members help them with that.
David Searle

David Searle

Peer Group Facilitator

AEMT Peer Groups are facilitated by David Searle. David is currently Director of Shine Associates Ltd. He provides chairmanship of two Manufacturers Alliance Leadership Peer Groups, advice for local Growth Hubs, including running a peer network programme in 2022 for the Cheshire & Warrington Growth Hub, as well as the provision of Leadership, Management and Personal coaching & mentoring. Using feedback, David tailors future peer networking events, to ensure that attendees are getting the most out of every session.  



Codes of Practice 2025


The AEMT Codes of Pracice are being replaced with our provisional codes of practice at the end of 2025. Members will be asked to demonstrate compliance with these codes by 2027. The Secretariat and Council are preparing for this transition, ensuring members have the support, resources and tools needed to comply.

Find out more