Codes of Practice
Members are therefore expected to conform strictly to the following requirements:
- A member shall be financially responsible and shall be able to complete properly, and make good their guarantee on, any job undertaken.
- A member shall adhere to their own standards or guarantees which must be reasonable.
- A member shall not misrepresent theirbusiness, services or products by inaccurate advertising or otherwise.
- A member shall show due consideration for other members and for their ability. They shall not attempt to harm another's business through misrepresentation or any other improper means which could cause loss of goodwill, reputation or employees.
- A member shall adequately provide for the welfare of their employees and shall carry all such insurance as may be necessary for the proper protection of his employees and the public.
- A member shall co-operate with fellow members to the best of his ability in sound and lawful projects intended to improve the quality of the industry's service in the general interest.
- A member shall not take any action which may bring into disrepute the Association or its members.
- A member shall not collude with others in a manner that would limit open competition, gain unfair competitive advantages, or undermine the integrity of the association. (Added June 2021)
When an AEMT member believes he has been harmed by another member who has compromised the intent or spirit of the Association's Code of Business Practice, or adopted conduct contrary to the best interests of the Association, he may file a complaint with the AEMT Complaints Committee in accordance with the following procedure:
- Advise the Association Secretary, in writing, of the alleged complaint and request the Committee's assistance in resolving the dispute.
- The Committee will require the complainant to complete and sign a complaint form detailing the circumstances of the alleged complaint.
- The Committee will review the complaint and forward a copy to the other party who will be requested to complete and sign a similar document which will be forwarded to the complainant.
- On completion of forms by both members they will be reviewed by the Committee. The Committee will attempt to mediate an amicable resolution to the dispute.
- If this fails the complainant may request a hearing before the Committee. This is to be done in a registered letter to the Association Secretary.
- Should the Committee consider the alleged complaint and supporting evidence are sufficient to warrant a hearing, one will be arranged. The timing and location of any such meeting will be determined by the Committee. Both parties to the complaint will be given the opportunity to attend and be heard at such a meeting.
- Based on this hearing, the committee will determine the appropriate action which will be notified to Council. Should the parties not be in agreement with the ruling of the Committee each has the right, within a period of fourteen days, for the matter to be referred to Council for determination.
- Should the dispute be referred to Council for determination both parties will be given the opportunity to attend and be heard.
- The Committee may recommend that Members be censured, suspended or expelled from membership. Such recommendations will be brought before the Council, reviewed and voted upon. A two thirds vote of the Council will be required to implement any recommendations.
- The Complaints Committee will comprise of three Past Presidents, the Immediate Past President as Chair, or as determined by Council.
- The Association Secretary will attend all meetings of the Committee.