Types of Membership

Roll up, roll up, there's room for everyone in the AEMT! We've got three flavours of membership. First, our Full Members - the heart of UK's buzzing engineering world, masters in rotating electrical kit repair, maintenance, and sales. Then there's our International Members, the worldly adventurers bringing their expertise from beyond the British shores. And our Associate Members - industry-respected suppliers serving up top-notch parts, consumables and services. Hop in, folks!

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Full Membership

Join our exclusive list of associate members, who benefit from access to the AEMT's network and resources. We have members from all over the world to help grow your business.


International Membership

Join our growing list of international members, who benefit from the AEMT's commitment to quality, community and sustainability. We have members from all over the world, who are keen to share best practise and work towards a better future.

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Associate Membership

Join our exclusive list of associate members, who benefit from access to the AEMT's network and resources. We have members from all over the world to help grow your business.