Maintenance-Free Compressed Air Filter Does the Job of Three Conventional Filters
Expel’s design means users never have to change any internal elements; they simply fit and forget. Typically, it would take three conventional compressed air filters – one each for water, oil emulsion, and solid particulates – to do the job of one Expel.
Traditional compressed air filters are only 60-80% efficient, even when operating at optimum performance levels, and can be overwhelmed with contaminants quickly as their disposable internal elements become less effective over time.
This new filter has been engineered using computational fluid dynamics and does not require any replacement filter elements, ensuring that its performance will not fall below 99.999%.
The Expel technology does not need servicing and is virtually maintenance free. There’s no membrane filter, no holes to become blocked and no moving parts to fail. And, although cleaning is not necessary, the Expel is fully cleanable and reusable if required.